



    朱莉·格林, 首席可持续发展主任, 2018年,推荐几个足彩外围app和推荐买球平台农业与刚果民主共和国的一位咖啡农

    The United Nations International Day of Rural Women is dedicated to recognising the achievements of the millions of women living and working in remote, 农村社区, 以及它们对农村发展和农业的影响.

    2021年,推荐买球平台支持12.73万名女农民获得经济机会1推荐几个足彩外围app努力赋予这些妇女权力,使她们能够为自己建立一个更光明的未来, 他们的家庭和社区.

    推荐几个足彩外围app推荐几个足彩外围app推荐买球平台农业的首席可持续发展官坐了下来, 朱莉·格林, 讨论妇女在农业中的重要性, 以及推荐买球平台农业如何帮助这些女性释放她们的全部潜力. 


    妇女在农村农业中发挥着关键作用. 在全球范围内,几乎40%的农民是女性. 在非洲和亚洲的一些地区,这一比例高达60%. 这些妇女工作很努力, 她们每周的工作时间通常比男性同事多12-13个小时2.

    尽管如此,女性农民获得的资源远远少于男性农民. Closing this resource gap is essential if we are to meet the needs of a growing global population. 联合国估计, 早在2011年, that providing equal access to agricultural resources would boost yields on women’s farms by 20-30% and overall production by 2.在发展中国家为5-4%3. 这将使全球营养不良人口减少1亿至1.5亿. 在饥饿人口不断增加的时候, 推荐几个足彩外围app采取措施缩小差距比以往任何时候都更重要.  


    作为一个企业, we have huge potential to drive inclusive growth and break the perpetual cycle of low productivity traps. 推荐几个足彩外围app致力于减少社会对妇女的不平等, 在推荐几个足彩外围app开展业务的地方,年轻人和边缘群体.

    为此,推荐几个足彩外围app与当地政府密切合作, 非政府组织s and other partner organisations to provide the opportunities that many women cannot access themselves – primarily through training, 技能发展和提供融资渠道, 市场及资讯.

    We provide trainings for women in high-impact areas focused on increased productivity through Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), 保护, 良好的土壤和水的做法, 劳工权利和职业安全. 仅2021年一年, 推荐几个足彩外围app还为超过37人获得医疗保健提供了便利,000人通过推荐几个足彩外围app在乍得的推荐买球平台农业业务, 刚果共和国, Côte d'Ivoire and 多哥 as well as provided access to clean water and nutrition training in these same countries, 还有印度和尼日利亚. These actions help to reduce the burden of care work which further constrains women’s economic and social participation in many contexts.

    当妇女获得权力时,农业社区如何受益? 你能举个例子吗?

    We ran a programme to train women to become professional tractor drivers on our estates in 赞比亚, 哪里10个妇女中有8个依赖农业部门. The women drivers in the programme experienced significantly improved economic autonomy and decision-making in their households and communities. 这对更广泛的社区产生了强大的连锁反应. Young girls, many for the first time, had role models of financially independent women to look up to. 他们认为开拖拉机是支付高等教育费用的一种方式, and 98% of the community members interviewed said they would allow their daughters to become drivers4.


    妇女面临的主要挑战是缺乏机会和途径, 特别是在土地所有权等关键领域.

    全世界只有不到20%的土地所有者是女性5. The lack of physical ownership means women rarely have ownership of the decision-making processes associated with running a farm, 比如种植哪种作物, 每种作物要占用多少土地, 或者如何管理农作物产生的收入.

    Initiatives such as our Village Savings and Loan Associations are a way of tackling this in a community-led way. 在Côte科特迪瓦, 例如, I’ve seen how these associations have helped women start their own businesses 包括 restaurants, 菜园或自己种植棉花.

    截至目前,, 推荐几个足彩外围app已经订了超过5个,协会和这些团体的800名妇女资助了5个以上的项目,000项创收活动. 推荐几个足彩外围app甚至看到新的社团在男性中涌现, 或者在混合群体中, 没有推荐几个足彩外围app的参与, 这意味着这些想法正在生根发芽并且是可持续的. 

    How important is financial literacy for women in farming, and what is 推荐买球平台阿勒 doing about this?

    获得资金的机会与有限的土地所有权和教育密切相关. 拥有土地的女性更少,而拥有土地的女性往往比男性农民拥有更小的土地. 没有抵押品,很难获得融资. 没有读写和计算能力, 很难知道需要多少资金, 或者贷款的条件是什么. 缺乏接受教育和培训的机会使这个问题更加复杂.

    One way we’ve equipped farmers with business skills is through Farmer Business School trainings, 推荐几个足彩外围app最初是和德国发展机构合作使用的, 她们. 在许多作物中, 农民每年在收获一两次时得到报酬, 但他们的收入需要维持一整年才能养家糊口.  The five-day programme teaches farmers how to manage their money as well as their family budgets. When we first started t在这里 were no women farmers in the programme; today we have since reached hundreds of women farmers and equipped them with financial literacy skills.


    看到女性的竞争环境变得越来越公平,我感到很欣慰. I enjoy hearing women’s voices and seeing the evolution from sitting quietly in the back rows to being active participants in conversations. They’ve gone from worrying about being disruptive – whether to marriages or communities– to having the confidence to speak and to participate equally.

    使人们能够获得知识和机会, we’re helping to replace the systems that perpetuate inequality with a virtuous cycle of improved life outcomes for rural women and their families.

    15日是国际农村妇女日th 10月. 你可以了解更多 在这里.

    1 http://zqqraz.o2mate.net/content/dam/olamgroup/investor-relations/ir-library/annual-reports/annual-reports-pdfs/2021/olam_annual_report_2021.pdf#page=100

    2 http://www.粮农组织.org/news/story/en/item/460267/icode/

    3 http://www.unwomen.org/en/docs/2011/6/the-vital-role-of-women-in-agriculture-and-rural-development

    4 http://zqqraz.o2mate.net/news/all-news/blog/putting-women-in-the-driver-seat.html

    5 http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/commission-on-the-status-of-women-2012
